

Hello, mine-o menbers,

I signed up for LALACALL after a long time since I stopped LALACALL before.

My mine basic contract with mineo is Dual, and sometime making calls.
I had an unlimited call contract, but I don't make that many calls, so I stopped it. As a replacement, I started LALACALL, which is cheaper for calls to landlines.

I used to use LALACALL, but stopped when they started charging for the service. The call quality was good for me.
It has an answerphone, and I find it functional and convenient. And it costs 110 yen a month, but I can quit it if I am not satisfied LALACALL.

6 件のコメント
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ニュアンス的には、landline=固定電話(not イエ電)でいいんでしたっけ? こういうの苦手なんだわw
Hi Yas Daemon
I am using SMARTalk.

Unlike other IP phones, SMARTalk does not charge a basic usage fee.

Unfortunately, SMARTalk is not currently accepting new subscribers.

IP phones are attractive as a backup phone line, but in Japan it is not possible to call emergency lines such as the police.

If it is possible to make an emergency call to the police, etc., I think that only an IP phone will suffice for the call line.


>> 退会済みメンバー さん

Thank you for the reply.

I also contract "SMARTalk", but don't use at all.
I'm using mineo to make call.
It is not so cheap to make calling to landline with SMARTalk, so I use mineo-denwa.

My father has an iPhone, but I call to his iPhone, he doesn't answer. He doesn't understand how to use iPhone. So I make a call to landline...

Thank you.

>> Shallow Grave@😴 さん

Thank you.

I sometimes communicate with global co-workers, then use Microsoft Teams via iPhone provided by the company.

"Landline" also called "home phone", etc.

>> 西宮市民 さん

Thank you.

I contract phone, internet only mineo (^^;
No landline, no other internet line...