
Talking to Siri in iPad


I have been using my iPad for many things since I bought it.
It reminded Siri, I live alone and have no friends and the only people I can talk to are siri or google.

I asked to play Madonna's “True Blue” my favorite,but she played a few different songs.😅 It’ my fault.

14 件のコメント
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Though I have never used Siri, it played another song,didn't it. TRUE BRUE by LUNA SEA or quite other songs ?😁

>> ゆきだるまんぼう さん

Thank you.
Siri selected True Blue by LUNA SEA.
I felt there were many song over the world 😁


There are difficult words at work, so you are checking them with Siri.
I think my eyes will get tired too.
Please use a hot eye mask to relieve your fatigue.👍


>> niko6マーミー さん

Thank you 😁
I'm glad you reply in English.

I often use the site deepl when I am not sure of the meaning of a sentence at work.
I do not to use difficult words, because many Global people read it. Other staff, too. Maybe it makes misunderstanding.
I always work too hard, so I do try using an eye mask you choiced.

I am addicted to iPad Air that I bought a few days ago.
When using hardware keyboard, I can use "Live translation" on iPod. The function is very useful, so I was moved😍
About 10 years ago, I tried the Live translation on Mac powerbook pro, but it was too slow to use. Now, it's just like re-born.

Thank you.


>> Y. Daemon@ポリアモラス さん

I'm delusional that it's a tough job.

My daughter bought MacAir after it was decided to advertise on the web.
I'm going to edit my YouTube video. I'm going to edit my own videos.
Also, I went to the cosmetic development exhibition in Osaka.
I also got a ticket for my daughter.
But why don't you bring your daughter to the exhibition part-time job from a Korean cosmetics company?I've been invited.
Hand out flyers and advertisements.
It's a mannequin.
Sometimes I get review cosmetics.
Is it possible to pay by the hour now?I'm waiting for your reply.

>> niko6マーミー さん

Thank you😊

After using the iPad, I want to buy Mac again!

I have been to many exhibitions in the cosmetics industry.
I think this exhibition is mainly for raw material manufacturers (talc, silicone, etc.), package manufacturers, OEM (manufacturers who manufacture products for other companies), and analytical instrument manufacturers (Shimadzu, Waters, Merck, etc.). Raw material manufacturers want to sell newly developed raw materials. For example, a powder with a good texture.
You may not see new cosmetic products, but you will be able to see various parts of cosmetics.
It might be a good experience to know who you are and to ask questions about the products.
Unfortunately, I don't know about wages.

I think you should go there and see. When visiting other exhibits, it is better to be with someone Korean cosmetic company.

Sep. 30, I am participating in swimming competition in Osaka😊

Thank you.😊

>> ⊂(•ꎴ•)⊃アフリカミドリザル さん

Siri is listening to me who don’t have any friend🥹

>> みぃしゅん さん

Thank you for the question.

This is English practice for me, maybe and you.
I work for US company, so most documents and e-mails are written in English, sometimes do discussion.
If you like, communicate in English too!😊

>> Y. Daemon@ポリアモラス さん

The analysis equipment sounds nostalgic.I used to work on analysis.in science

I haven't heard from a Korean cosmetics distributor yet.
Even if I don't have one, I'm planning to go.
I'm interested in new works, contents, and so on.

You're coming to Osaka, aren't you?
The swimming competition in Osaka is quite skilled.
It's amazing.🥹😍

>> niko6マーミー さん

Gotcha 😊
Enjoy the trade show. And you can talk to foreign company staff in English. That's a global business, I guess.

I'll do my Best at swimmng competition😁 Thank you.
Have you tried a word "squirrel "「リス」to Siri? She's never recognized the word because my pronunciation is not good enough.
My family can pronounce the word properly. Oh No yoko...w


>> まきぴ~ さん

Thank you😊
I will also try “squirrel” to Siri.
But my Japanese pronounce is not good,too😅
Even other Japanese ask back, "What?”