
My eyes trouble with Contact Lenses


I am going to be out of office for a few days and thought I would try something what I want.

I have been wearing glasses since I was junior high.
So, I decided to try using contact lenses.

I went to a contact lenses store in AEON nearest. The ophthalmologist next door the store made a prescription for contact lenses.
I practiced putting on and taking off the contact lenses. It didn't go very well, but I finally put them on and take them off, tried only once.

I received three pairs of contact lenses for practice. However, the store did not have them in stock that day, so I had to pick them up later.

The next day, I went to Shibuya in the morning to buy an iPad. At that time, I tried on the contact lenses. It was easy to put the contact lenses, yes so easy.

I returned home, and ate supper. Ah, let's take off the contact lenses, I thought. Life without glasses is pretty easy, but removing contact lenses is a little troublesome.

But this time, I stood an ordeal.
The contact lens for my right eye was taken off easily, but the left eye would not be taken off. It was as if they were one piece. I tried again and again, but it wouldn't be taken off. I searched the Internet for instructions how to remove a contact lens from eye. However, it was hard to see letters because only my left eye has a contact lens. It is very tiring.

I tried soaking my eye in water, using eye drops, rubbing with cotton swabs.... but I can't get them out. Is there really a contact lens in the eye? I doubt it.

I hit on a great? Idea.
I tried closing my eyes hard, opening my eyes, and repeating.
Then I tried remove the contact lends again, and it was taken off.

The next day, my eyes were bright red.
I went to pick up my contact lenses to the store. Of course, I don't wear contact lenses.
I showed my eye and asked the clerk, she said,

Clerk: You should go to an ophthalmologist.
I: Next door?
Clears: No, you should go to a proper ophthalmologist.
I: Proper?

So, I went to “PROPER” ophthalmologist, not next door…

When my eyes recover, I will start wearing contact lenses.

Thank you.

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My eyes were bloodshot and I was surprised.
I think it's hard to put on and take off that flimsy contact.
I hope to get in touch with you soon.

>> imaru2019 さん

Thank you😊
Almost recovered.

>> niko6マーミー さん

Thank you 😊
This was immediately invisible, but was back now. Maybe the photo of the eyes was scary.
I will use them next week again😅