
I got iPad Air


Finally, I decided to buy an iPad. When I tried to order it online, I found out that it would take several days. I went to the Apple Store in Shibuya.

Arrived at the Apple Store Shibuya. iPad Air cellular 256GB, Apple Pencil2, and Apple Care cost over 150,000 yen. It's expensive.


I went to mineo Shibuya because I want to get a SIM ASAP.

I selected My-Soku Standard S Plan. Because it has an answering machine, when it will be moved to another phone. A staff explained a lot of things to me.

It takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes to get the SIM, so I was waiting on the fourth floor. I tweeted Mineo on Twitter, I could do Gatcha once, and I got a Maipyong furoshiki.

I set up my iPad until the SIM was ready.

Soon after, I received the SIM. I put it in my iPad immediately and checked. There was no problem with Internet communication.

I am satisfied with my iPad (^^

Thank you.

19 件のコメント
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iPad Airですか。



iPad Air、便利で楽しそうですね。

iPad Airは違うかもしれないけど、今週にあるAppleイベントでiPadの新製品が出るらしいです。こちらも丁度買い替えの話が入っており、金額的にはProではなくAirを選定して欲しいんですが、この件の決定権が無いのでリコメンドしか出来ないんですよね。w

iPad GETとGO to mineo shibuya
sim set
have nice day

>> ととろんろん@入れてみた さん

It was expensive, but I don't mind after the payment has been made.
It is easy to use at home or take outside. I can do it on my laptop, but the iPad is easier to use, especially Internet browse.
It's bigger, so writing is easier than smartphones.
Compared to the iPhone, the price is about the same.
mineo’s my-soku is also enough for me.

Thank you.

>> eq.18 さん

Written in English, but you should be able to read it with a light touch.
The Apple event is on my mind. But this time I got it even a day early because the event of my life was at stake. It's a just change of pace(^^;
If we had the budget, it would be high capacity, high performance, cellular, and pro.
This is my first ipad and I feel it is a good one.

Thank you.


>> niko6マーミー さん

Yes, indeed.
IPad and Mineo SIM have been gotten in SHIBUYA.

By the way, SHIBUYA 109, 109 stands for “To(10) Kyu(9).
I used to work for there…


Free Tank, Good and Evil live together…(^^;
oosama no manekin ga kawaii desune(^o^)/

>> Y. Daemon@ポリアモラス さん

iPad Airなら画面がスマホより大きいから、映画とかも楽しめそうだし。

参考までに・・ いつか買いたいPCを紹介w
Vaio SX12 899g LTE対応

>> Y. Daemon@ポリアモラス さん


My daughter was also in Shibuya last week.

>> imaru2019 さん

These are for Aoi-san? Becky-san? (^^;

>> niko6マーミー さん

Yes, many young guys are there. I am …. (^^;
I wanted to meet your daughter, I wouldn't know if I saw her…
Wow! I am glad to hear that you got it at last! I wish I were rich enough to buy a new iPad-air too.
The last time I visited Shibuya was about ten years ago. I want to go there again although I am not young.

>> まきぴ~ さん

Thank you.
iPad Air is a good device than I expected.
Easy read something, Internet browsing, checking something. But I prefer a laptop for creating some documents.
Of course, good for mine-o.😊

I thought using with keyboard, trackpad, and monitor. But now I think it’s better to use only iPad, maybe with Apple Pencil(about JPY 20,000😭).

I like this very much😊

>> Y. Daemon@ポリアモラス さん

eigo ha amari wakaranai node nani wo otazune sareteirunoka wakarimasen ga
Aoi-san mo Becky-san mo dochiranokata mo kiraide ha naidesuyo(^o^)/

>> imaru2019 さん

Which lady wore that dress? I thought.
Both are pretty😍

Welcome your comment even if you are not familiar with English.
I am not good at, too.

Thank you.