

私はYMobileユーザとなっていて、2年間の契約を終了となりましたのでもっと安いマイネオを使うことになりました。YMobile契約の時使ったNexus 5端末も起動できなくなったため、元々使っていたソフトバンクiPhone 5端末をマイネオと一緒に使うことになりました。

中国の会社を作成しているR-SIMを使用すれば別回線のSIMをソフトバンクiPhoneで問題なく使用できます。R-SIMは日本のAmazonで買いました。外国人として海外でもソフトバンクiphoneをR-Simで使用したことが会ったのですが、今回は端末をios10+にアップグレードしたため新しいR-SIM(R-SIM 11)を買うことになりました。R-SIMの設定・iphoneアクティベーション・使用方法について以下のリンクをご利用ください。バージョンを関係なくメニューが同じです。
日本語:http://apnshop.blog.jp/r-sim10 .html

◆マイネオ Aプランを購入しました。
ネットを知らばなくてAプランを最初に購入しましたが使うことができませんでした。シムフリーiphoneなら全く問題がないですが、AU回線をR-SIMが認識しない状況でした(たぶん接続Bandを認識しないかも知らない)。R-SIMなしで使ってみたら接続することを確認しました(アクティべとできないけど)が、R-SIMを使用した場合「SIM Failure」メッセージが出てそのあと何もできませんでした。


SIMを入れて最初の起動でR-SIM設定も行いまた再起動になって、再起動したところも「接続なし」になっていました。びっくりしていろいろな操作をやったところモバイルネットワーク選択は「自動」から「手動(NTT DOCOMO)」に変更する必要がありました。モバイルネットワーク接続方法を変更して再起動した後、回線認識・接続ができな他のですが少し待っていたところまた「接続なし」になりました。

そして、WIFIに接続してマイネオ Dプラン用のAPN(Access Point Name)設定を行って、端末を再起動した上でちゃんと接続ができました。

1.マイネオ AプランはR-SIMで使用できない
3.モバイルネットワークを手動選択してNTT DOCOMOを選択
4.マイネオ Dプラン用APN設定(WIFI設定して、APNプロファイルのリンクでインストール)

Happy Mineo...!

★This section is for English language users★

This is my story of changing mobile network in Japan
I was a Y!Mobile user for the past two years. Since my 2year contract comes to an end, I switched to Mineo for cheaper connection. Since the phone I used(Google Nexus 5) with my Y!Mobile connection also died, I had to use my old Softbank iPhone 5 and avoid buying a new phone for the moment.

◆Can you use a SIM belong to other networks with Softbank iPhone?
Of course you can. By using a Chinese made R-SIM you can easily do this. I bought the R-SIM through Amazon Japan. Since I am a Sri Lankan, I have used R-SIM before with my iphone 5, while I was traveling to Sri Lanka. But since then I have upgraded ios on my phone to V10+, I had to buy a new R-SIM (Version 11).
You can find R-SIM settings clicking the following link.

◆Mineo A-Plan (KDDI AU Network)
First I bought mineo A-Plan(Since it is the cheapest plan) and try to use it with the R-SIM+iphone 5 . But unfortunately the R-SIM does not recognize the SIM card and it gives an error [SIM Failure]. When I tried without the R-SIM(Of course I could not activate the iphone) the SIM is fine and signal showed on the top. Also I tried with SIM free iphone, and it worked with no issues. So it was a R-SIM error. Don't buy A-Plan if you are intend to use a R-SIM.

◆Changed from A-Plan to D-Plan(NTT DOCOMO Network)
Since I could not make A-Plan to work on my iphone, I switched to D-Plan. I did not want to change my number, once I received the new SIM, I had to go through a process similar to MNP and attach my phone number with the new SIM. Once that is over, SIM is activated and good to go. But iphone says otherwise. it showed [No Service].

◆D-Plan is also failing in R-SIM + iphone 5 setup?
Even though the SIM is recognized by the R-SIM, still no network connection. I tried many things and finally it hit me. I had to change my mobile network connection from [Auto] to [Manual] and select NTT DOCOMO instead. Once that is done, the phone started to show network signals on the top with data connectivity(3G). But within few minutes, everything went back to [No Service] status once again. Then what I did was, set up the APN(Access Point Name) setting belongs to Mineo D-Plan(iphone). After restarting the phone started getting signals and this time it was permanent. Everything is fine now.

With Softbank iPhone:
1. Don't buy A-Plan if your intend is to use it with R-SIM. R-SIM won't recognize the sim card(At least for R-SIM 11 and earlier)
2. Sometime you may have to deactivate/re-activate iphone through R-SIM menu(steps:see the link above). Make sure you see network signals in the activation screen & dial 112 as described in the link.
3. Make sure you manually select the mobile network(NTT DOCOMO)
4. Make sure you install the APN profile for the Mineo D-Plan(iphone)

Happy MIneo...!

9 件のコメント
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Nice to meet you!
Are you a R-SIM person?
Thank you for teaching me in detail.
Thank you for information of R-SIM 11.
I referred to this information.

BTW, there is two models for iPhone 5 in Japan.
Model 1429 (CDMA2000) : KDDI
Model 1429 (GSM/WCDMA) : SB

So, I think that you can not use the A plan, because your iPhone doesn't support CDMA2000.

Nexus 5 is Broken?

●春風 猫丸へ
You are welcome!
Correct. I have the SB model. That is why I had to use R-SIM in the first place. If you have the KDDI model, there won't be any problem with A-Plan. Thank you for mentioning it.
About Nexus 5,
Unfortunately it has sort of a hardware problem. First It started with a microphone problem. person on the other end could not hear my voice properly unless I turn on the speaker phone. Found that it is rather common problem to Nexus 5. All you have to do is open the back cover and place a small hard object(piece of plastic or cardboard) near the vibrator. But later it started to flickering the screen, restarting time to time and went completely dead. Neither turning on nor charging. I tried to firmware flash, since it is stock android it is necessary to boot in to some recovery mode(Can't remember the exact name). Since it is hardware related, I gave up. Hope that it is not worth repairing(at least in Japan) and I already had this iPhone :) .

Hardware problem..that's too bad.
春風 猫丸さん、
Actually there are two possibilities
1. Actual hardware problem, so it is not charging
2. May be a firmware problem, so the firmware responsible for charging got corrupted and stopped charging OR May be it is charging/has some sort of charge but not starting up

either way, I don't have necessary knowledge or tools to diagnose this kind of situation.

Once in Sri Lanka(My homeland) I brought it to a technician and he said that I have to take it to the LG(Nexus manufacturer) agent and only they can flash new firmware. But little bit of googling showed that stock firmware is readily available and if it turns on you can easily flash at home.

However, I told my self "It is a hardware problem and you have this iPhone. Stick with it... ". So here I am :)

P.S: May be someday I will try again...
Yes, you can use iPhone 5 now.

Maybe, this issue include hardware problem (ex. flickering the screen).
I think that even if you challenge again, the problem will remain.
Unfortunately, it is not worth repairing.