連携済み ベテラン Lv1

I'm a freethinker, relatively easy-going Cat-Jedi who's aiming to be 'rationalific' on this space-ship earth. I would approach him with caution if I were you 'cos he's got a bit of Jeffersonian streak among other things.

Also note that he is fiercely independent and maybe radically honest to a fault, based on ever-evolving understanding of his freedom. He loves philosophy for sure and Meow would love to chat on the subject.

If anyone's wondering about my quirkiness, please refer to 'Allegory of the cave' by Plato. I fear no honesty but weak-mindedness, self-deception, manipulation, arrogance, self-hatred, insecurities etc - in no particular order - may be dealt with by my understanding of psychology(Jung/Freud).

Sapientia Potentia Est


Newburgh Address (1783):

" For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter. "

Address to the Officers of the Army | Saturday, March 15, 1783



Camusさんの活動ランクがベテラン Lv1になりました。